Aamir Liaquat Hussain

Born: 05 July 1971

Profession: Presenter

Affiliation(s): ARY Tv Network

Citizenship: Pakistani

Aamir Liaquat Hussain is a well known politician and broadcaster from Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. Aamir Liaquat Hussain is also former State Minister for Religious Affairs, and an anchor of popular TV programme Aalim Online on Geo TV. On August 6, 2010, he officially joined ARY Digital Network as Executive of ARY's Religious TVchannel QTV (ARY) Aamir Liaquat Hussain was born on July 5, 1971 at Karachi. Aamir Liaquat Hussain contested 2002 general election under the supervision of Pervez Musharraf, and the platform of his affiliated party Muttahida Qaumi Movement.

Professional career
He had been attached to print media over 12 years as editor and as columnist in different newspapers. In the
beginning of his career he also worked in radio. As host he did his first program on Geo television network, the
program Aalim Online became symbol of sreading interfaith harmony among sects. He joined ARY Network in 2010 as Executive Director and Managing Director of QTV. He is now hosting the program Aalim Aur Aalam.

In 2005 when Aamir Liaquat Hussain was Minister of State, he made all ulemas to give a collective fatwa against
suicidal attacks.This fatwa was given by Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rahman with the support of 300 religious scholars.
Behind this valuable fatwa, Aamir Liaquat Husain efforts were pretty much there.
In 2008 The King Of Saudi Arab, Shah Abdullah invited him in interfatith conference which was held in Makkah and
Spain, where Aamir Liaquat represented Pakistan.


In 2005 he was attacked during his visit to Jamia Bannoria. In this attack he was saved though but sources said
he was attacked due to the fact that he is against redicalism and extremisim and in favor of interfaith harmony among all sects.

Resignation as minister

On July, 4th, 2007 Aamir Liaquat Hussain resigned Minister of State for Religious Affairs as well as his National Assembly seat after grave and severe differences with Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM). According to the party official statement, the party was unhappy with the statements given by Aamir on Lal Masjid and Salman Rushdie.
Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain resigned according to himself for personal reasons and according to a source in the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain was going to be head of a TV station.

Expulsion from MQM
On 10th, September, 2008 Muttahida Qaumi Movement officially cancelled the basic membership of Aamir Liaquat
Hussain, stating that he was involved in propagating his personal views through a TV programme he hosted, which
was completely against the dogma of the party. The charges were allegedly his critical views about Salman.

Rushdie on receiving a knighthood from the British Government. He also showed a soft corner on Lal Masjid in 2007. Though accroding to Dr Aamir he does not agree with the ideology which Lal Masjid believes in but he was against of the operation against Lal Masjid. According to the MQM, however, his televised personal views were incitement of the murder of Ahmadis.

7th September 2008 Aalim Online
On 7 September 2008, Aamir presented anti-Ahmadiyya sentiment program. The Ahmadiyya beliefs were criticized by
using bullying and slang language. The founder of Ahmadiyya movement Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was heavily criticized.
All the type of slang was used in it. In this programs, he said that Ahmadis are liable to be killed. One of the guest mullah was sunni, a preacher of Anti-Ahmadiyya sentiment movement Aalmi Majlis Tahaffuz Khatm-e-Nubuwwat and the other was Shia.


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